Disordered eating is complex, and it is the only mental health condition to affect every aspect of a person’s life and wellbeing. The “Understanding Me” group recognizes the complexity of this disease and the importance of gaining knowledge, awareness, and support; along with receiving valuable therapeutic tools to help support your loved one on their journey towards freedom and recovery.
*Example Outline: Group will begin with gaining knowledge about mental health on disordered eating behaviors and societal influences by covering 1-2 modules per week with open discussion support group discussions.
Module 1: Development of disordered eating: Neurological effects and psychological symptoms
Module 2: Myths and stigmas
Module 3: Influence of social media and diet culture
Module 4: LGBTQIA+ and other marginalized groups affected by eating disorders
Module 5: Understanding the controlling voice of “ED”
Module 6: Living with an eating disorder (Functioning vs. Living)
Module 7: Family Systems
Module 8: Communication and changing the narrative
Module 9: Recovery process and living a life free from an eating disorder